This fall we welcomed our second purebred litter of Colorado Mountain Dogs!
These puppies are rolly polly balls of love. Each one of them will be an asset to their farm and family.
H2H Mingus x BSK Lavender Purebred litter born October 1, 2024
Meet Our Recent Colorado Mountain Dog Litter.
We are thrilled to introduce our latest litter of Colorado Mountain Dog puppies—11 little bundles of joy, with 6 boys and 5 girls. These puppies are already showing their exceptional intelligence, picking up on new concepts with remarkable speed.
We only have a few pups left, and they are thriving as part of the pack, learning essential guardian behaviors through observation and interaction with the adults. Additionally, they’ve started basic obedience training, showcasing their eagerness to please and adaptability. This litter promises to grow into loyal, capable guardians and loving companions!
Available Puppies
These pups are ready for their new homes.They have been vet checked and microchipped.
Marilla - girl
Marilla is gorgeous! She has beautiful silky soft white hair. She seems to have inherited this from her Grandma Kona, who has the silkiest coat. She is on the smaller side for a CMD, but will still likely hit 70 pounds. Marilla LOVES traveling. On the farm she is somewhat reserved... she isn't shy, but not pushy either. On outings she comes alive, eagerly looking out all of the car windows, and excited to greet all the new people she meets. Marilla would make an outstanding family "working pet." Meaning she would gladly guard kids, and will fit right in on family outings, camping, and hiking. She does very well with goats and kittens.
Charlie - boy
Charlie is a fading badger coloring, but will likely keep some color in his face. He is a happy playful boy, but also has a serious side. He's very confident, not afraid to explore. He is showing some alpha qualities and will make a strong confident guardian. Charlie is great with goats, kittens, and loves kids.
Anne- Girl
Don't let her small size fool you, this Anne with an "e" is full of spunk. She loves to be right where we are, in the middle of all that's going on. She is one of the smaller pups and will likely stay on the smaller side like her grandma Kona. Anne was born solid white, but her ears are turning brown, and she is developing a darker undercoat. She's beautiful, smart, and very observant. She is great with goats, kittens, and doing well with our ducks and turkey.
Mathew - boy (RETAINED)
Mathew is solid white and handsome. He has a calm, peaceful essence about him, and we are working with him to be our guardian on outings.
These Puppies have found their homes.
These are the rest of the pups from this litter. They have all found beautiful homes and we are getting glowing reports from them.
Dianna - girl
Dianna is settling in beautifully with her new family in Prescott Arizona. They ADORE her.
Paul - boy
Paul is headed to a young family in Colorado.
Hunca Munca - girl
Hunca Munca got her dark coloring from her dad, H2H Mingus. She loves to be cuddled, and then goes on about her business. She is confident and independent. This beauty is going to be an amazing protector of her new farm in Southern AZ
Roy - boy
Roy will make his home in Northern CO on a small family farm.
Phillipa - girl
Phillipa is independent, confident, and doesn't miss a thing. She doesn't want to be confined, but also doesn't wander. She will be an excellent perimeter guardian. She is a fading badger coloring like her mama, and will likely fade to white keeping some black around her face. Phillipa went with Hunca Munca to a farm in Southern AZ.
Gilbert - boy
Gilbert is our talker. When he is out with us, he makes the cutest sound to get our attention. He is a fun loving, busy little guy that wants to be right there helping out. Gilbert is a leader! He will want to be in charge.
Davie - boy
Davie is one of the biggest of the bunch. He looks like a fluffy bear with grey eyes. His eyes are always watchful, observing and learning. When he's out with the big boys, he stays right with them, going wherever they go without hesitation.
BSK Lavender X HWH Mingus
BSK Lavender - G4
Meet Lavender: Our Gentle Colorado Mountain Dog born here at Big Sky Acres.
Lavender is a true gem among guardians. Her gentle nature makes her a perfect companion for chickens, goats, and cats, ensuring peace and harmony among your animals. Known for her affectionate and loyal personality, Lavender forms strong bonds with her people and welcomes newcomers with warmth when properly introduced.
As a dedicated perimeter guardian, Lavender thrives in her role of keeping a vigilant watch on the fenceline, ensuring your property stays secure. She prefers the freedom of patrolling the boundaries to staying confined within a pen, embodying the classic traits of a reliable and loving protector.
HWH Mingus - G4
Mingus is the epitome of a Colorado Mountain Dog—steadfast, reliable, and deeply connected to his role as a guardian. With a calm and discerning nature, he only raises the alarm for true threats, making him a minimal barker and a trusted protector of both land and sky. Mingus is respectful of boundaries, content to stay within his space, and never inclined to wander. He greets our guests with warmth and kindness, treating them like family, and his affectionate, intelligent demeanor makes him a joy to have around. Mingus has sired three exceptional litters, passing down his outstanding temperament and guardian instincts to the next generation.